Politicians Being Politicians
In the last 15 months, we have had four major national tax law packages enacted with a fifth one right around the corner. Some of the...

Are Deductible Employee Business Expenses Gone?
How to best benefit from employee business expenses

Obamacare Fight Redux
Shared Responsibility Payment Refund Claims

Late 2019 Tax Law Changes
A Brief summary of major SECURE Act law changes for the income tax code.

California Law Changes
California is a great place to live. However with the great weather sometimes comes a price, in this case with ever changing laws that...
California Sales Tax Collection Law Changes
As you may have heard, last summer the United States Supreme Court ruled on the case of South Dakota vs Wayfair, Inc. and ruled in favor...
Last Call For 2018 Tax Planning
For those who have not already done so, if you feel you would benefit from year end planning, or would like to get a feel for what your...
Congress Wants You to Feel GILTI
Despite the acronym, GILTI won't impact most US taxpayers. Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income is a new tax law provision enacted for...
Is it a tax or a donation?
As part of the TCJA passed by the Trump administration last year, one of the changes made was a limit to the personal deductibility of...
Just When You Thought It Was Safe to File for 2017
Everyone thought that Congress was done in December after it passed its most sweeping tax law change package in 30 years. I mean after...